Sunday 11 August 2013

Yeezy + Nike sneakers

So, it's another Sunday afternoon and I've been to Waterloo and back, stopped off in Pret A Manger for an Americano to liven up my insides from a sleepless night, and I find myself creating a blog?Something I never thought I'd do-as I didn't really see the point in sharing my life stories. Still don't. 

However, making mental notes of everything I do or think, is a recipe for disaster. Any more information overload in my brain and I'll forget what day it is. I do waffle. You will notice. So yeah, I'm going to write all my crap down from now on. Even if it is crap! And I'll probably fill most of my pages with photos. I will admit-that, sometimes, I don't carry my camera around, (yeah I know what you're thinking), so I apologise in advance if it's an iPhone image. It's an iPhone 5 though,so does that count? Convenience is good.

And as a matter of fact, here is my first iPhone image upload-'Yeezy & Nike' collaboration sneakers I came across in a local Charity shop. Damn-it, if only I was a dude with size 11 feet! Couldn't really justify £100 for a show shoe. 

'Yeezy + Nike collab'